Wie bezahlen
1. Payment by bank transfer from abroad
Guests from abroad can pay their reservations by bank transfer to our foreign-currency account.
Details to be entered in the bank transfer:
Payer: Name and full address of the person holding the reservation
Payee: Turistička agencija - Dalma turist centar D. T. C.,Antuna Mihanovića 3, HR 23211 Pakoštane
Bank: Erste & Steiermarkische Bank d.d., Zagreb Croatia
IBAN: HR8424020061150023532
Swift: ESBCHR22
Konto: 7300161127
Purpose of payment: Accommodation under reservation no. – number of reservation
Amount: (according to the calculation received)
Reference number: - reservation number
2. Cash payment in Croatia
Guests from Croatia can pay for their reservations with cash via general payment slip to our gyro account.
Details to be entered in the payment slip:
Payer: Name and full address of the person holding a reservation
Purpose of bank transfer: payment for reservation R – number of reservation
Payee: Turistička agencija - Dalma turist centar D. T. C., Antuna Mihanovića 3, HR 23211 Pakoštane
Amount (kn): (according to the calculation received)
Account no.: 2402006-1150023532
Reference number: 01 – reservation number
The expenses of payment made are shared between the guest and the agency, so that the guest bears the expenses of the payer’s bank and the agency the expenses of payee bank.
Payment rate:
Advance payment – 35 % when confirming the reservation.
The rest of the amount – 65% on arrival to the agency or before the beginning of the vacations.
Deposit slip:
After making the advance payment in the amount of 35% you will receive a deposit slip.
After paying the remaining 65% you will receive a Voucher with precise data of the lessor and accommodation unit, as a confirmation of paying the entire amount for accommodation and sojourn tax.